Sunday 2 August 2020

The Collection

The portraits I gifted him are also at his home. The smaller of the two, above (centre), has since been removed to his the darkest corner, along with some Ted Dyers, as has another portrait. Arthur appears in others, notably Hello, Goodbye and Arthur Seated, plus several more, all oil on canvas.

His domestic collection (photographed by Arthur himself and therefore his copyright) now follows:


This almost concludes Arthur's collection on display and exhibited at his home, as of August 2020.

"The two portraits of myself are in the bedroom, I omitted them as you have seen them before. 'A' was after the smaller one but settled for a facsimile which hangs framed at her mother's house."

"Located in the darkest room in the house (north facing), so excuse the use of flash, not my favourite accessory. There is one other that you may like to see that I am sure will bring Johnny to mind, it is in the loft somewhere so I will search for it when I next have to venture into the maze of junk." - Arthur

Portraits (oil on canvas) of Arthur that remain in my own collection and are available for exhibition:

