Tuesday 21 July 2020

Sideburns Howe

There was this one occasion I recall when Steve decided he'd like  some sideboards. We all wanted them. It was triggered by Elvis Presley's 1956 (Love Me Tender) look. Now everyone wanted a pair.

I offered to cut Steve's hair in order to produce the look. We set him up on a chair in the kitchen area while Phil, his brother, made some egg-bread (bread soaked in egg. finished in a frying pan with condiments).

Steve was about the age you see him in the photo above (taken near where he lived), and obviously was not yet able to grow hair down the sides of his face. I didn't let that put me off, however, as I snipped away with hairdressing scissors provided by sultry Stella, his sister (without her knowledge). Stella liked to listen to smooth jazz, smoking cigarettes. Slowly. You couldn't avoid Stella.

My technique was to shave an area above Steve's ears, so as to create the appearance of sideburns, but further up the head where, at least, I had some hair to work with. Snip! Snip! Snip! Job done! I created some sideboards on a very young Steve Howe who was quite pleased with the outcome. Phil was mortified before becoming convulsed with laughter, as were Cyril and Ada, his parents, when they returned home.
