Monday 25 February 2019

Self Portrait

When I completed this self-portrait in oils on 13 February 2019, I felt I had finally managed to accomplish something. Previous self-portraits were certainly expressions, but they left me wanting to paint another, even though the last three were declared to be final. The latest portrait (oil on canvas) has been universally met with stunned silence. Absolutely no response. I am more than content with that. The trend everywhere to clap and applaud literally everything, including what should be a solemn occasion, eg a funeral, quite honestly appals me. It is so undignified and frequently sick-making. Art is sufficient unto itself if it has any merit. I have experienced concerts where there is no applause whatsoever at the performance's conclusion. This is the ultimate accolade. The self-portrait is shown in natural sunlight (above) and artificial light where it hangs.
