Sunday 13 January 2019

The Other Keith

I was introduced to Keith Maclean by Elżbieta Wojdyla (mentioned in a 1975 contribution I made to an anthology, and a book published ten years later outlining supernatural disturbances at Highgate Cemetery). This was a time when the ethos of the Sixties was still evident at the turn of the Seventies. In my book, probably owing to his surname, he is referred to as "a young man of Scottish descent," despite his proclaimed Welsh connections and quintessential Englishness. The last time he appeared at my house (December last year), the tartan trousers he wore indicated my original deduction was on target. However, despite my urging him to don a midi-kilt, he has not done so.

This picture appears in the 1985 edition of the aforementioned book and is the first I took of him. 

The image below is the last photograph taken of Keith Maclean as he departed in December 2018.
